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The Blockchain Socialist


The Blockchain Socialist independently podcasts and we're honoured to repeat these at Repeater Radio.

Bit coin is a libertarian’s wet dream

– CHUDdreamcatcher

Block chain and socialism have nothing to do w/ each other!

– CEOofSocialism

Stop trying to sell us your socialist shit coin

– MAGAbitcoin69

These are just a few of the responses I’ve gotten online (with fake usernames).

I know this isn’t the typical topic of discussion for socialists. However, I started this platform because I believe there is a gap in the understanding of blockchain on the Left that will be detrimental to the movement in the future.

My goal is to present a positive vision regarding blockchain for the Left so that we can realize its full potential and help the anti-capitalist left use it not only for improving radical organizing, but also for understanding how the technology will be used against us.

Essentially, I blog and podcast about the intersection of blockchain and left politics.

Are you just starting from the beginning and curious to learn more about blockchain from a Left perspective? Check out the Blockchain 101 for Socialists livestream or blog series.

Why should you trust me?

I have been working in the blockchain space for a few years now and still work full time doing so. I have helped build Proof of Concepts for blockchain applications and strategies for companies and government institutions to pursue blockchain. I’m also a decently well-read socialist I’d like to think and have been involved with organizing when I can.

The reason I got interested in the technology in the first place was because of the potential I recognized it had for a more fair political and economic system. A socialist one. Although on the surface the blockchain and cryptocurrency space may seem like an absolute hell hole of right wing nut jobs (there’s truth to that) if we do a thorough analysis of the technology, we can imagine how it could facilitate much more impactful ways of organizing against the institutions of capitalism.

You can find all of my writing on this website and some pieces as well on Medium. I also have a podcast where I interview various types of people doing interesting work in this niche space. You can find the podcast on all the major podcasting platform, on this site, or on YouTube. I regularly post every Sunday some piece of content on the various related communities.

If you want to help support the platform financially, you can give to my Patreon starting at just $3 per month and get access to patron-exclusive content or as well I accept donations in ether at theblockchainsocialist.eth.

If you have specific questions you’d want me to answer, feel free to contact me on Twitter or by email.

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